Dr. Dan Koretz, from Harvard and a national assessment expert, will speak about higher education accountability.
Joe Crick, from the National Board of Medical Examiners, has been solving assessment problems almost as long as there have been assessments and will give his perspectives on performance testing simulations.
Dr. Doug Christensen, the current Commissioner of Education in Nebraska, is an outspoken critic of NCLB and to his credit has managed to implement education the way he sees fit for his native Nebraska. All of this despite NCLB being the "law of the land."These speakers alone would make it worth the trip to Iowa City on a warm and sunny November afternoon (Saturday, November 3rd to be exact). I promise that the fall colors will still be...well, that the leaves will have color...well, some leaves will still be on the trees!
Another interesting part of the conference will be the participation of "national media" as they provide their perspectives. I hope to leave before this part. Oh, yeah, then there is Popham.
Regardless, it looks to be a great conference, and I hope you can find the time to attend. The Hawkeyes will be out of town that weekend, so hotel rooms will be easy to find and inexpensive.
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